Chemical Peels

Chemical peels, also known as chemical resurfacing, are used for the treatment of photoaging (from sun damage), wrinkles, scarring, acne, pre-cancerous lesions, and discoloration such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or melasma. Chemical peels produce controlled injury to the skin that promotes the growth of new skin with an improved appearance. Superficial peels (e.g., glycolic acid) produce injury confined to the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin, and can help improve conditions such as acne and dyschromia. Deeper peels (e.g., phenol) produce injury within the dermis, or inner layer, and can reverse moderate to severe photoaging and wrinkles. In general, deeper peels offer the most dramatic results but require longer recovery periods and carry a higher risk of complications.

Everything You Need To Know About Chemical Peels

No longer a rarity, chemical peels continue to grow in popularity, because of their visible and immediate results. Brighter, smoother skin usually surfaces after only one affordable treatment during lunch hour. Chemical peels dramatically improve most skin conditions and can be tailored to any skin needs. They are gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin types and the resulting glow is well worth the effort.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a solution applied during an in-clinic treatment which works to remove dead skin cells. As a result of this highly effective exfoliation, the skin ramps up its production of new skin, replacing old, damaged skin cells with healthy new ones. They are effective and relatively speedy – taking as little as 25 minutes, depending on the complexity of your chosen treatment. In the days following some peeling treatments, your skin might feel dry, and you might notice some flaking as the dead skin peels away. This peeling action occurs at cellular level revealing the smoother, younger, and brighter skin from below that top layer. In approximately 7 days, the dead skin has fallen off, any redness dissapears, and your skin will be glowing.

What are results like?

Chemical peels are a minimally invasive way to dramatically improve the appearance of skin; helping to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They also work to improve the appearance of discolouration, uneven skin tone and sun damage because the peel action removes damaged, dead skin. If you’re looking for smoother skin, a chemical peel could be your holy grail as the peel also targets rough dry skin, along with scars and general lumps and bumps, meaning skin looks younger and plumper after around 7 days.

Do chemical peels hurt?

Despite the slightly scary name, AlumierMD peels do not hurt, you might experience some tingling at the most. AlumierMD skin pros recommend chemical peels regularly, even to those with sensitive skin because they are a quick and easy route to glowing results.

Can anyone have a chemical peel?

Sounds amazing, sign me up – right? Well yes, chemical peels are suitable for most skin types.

How can I prepare for my chemical peel?

Dr. Nano will give you detailed information that’s perfectly tailored to you and the chemical peel that’s right for you. However, lifestyle factors can improve outcomes of all in-clinic procedures. Outside factors also contribute to a more beautiful, healthier skin. For example, sleep is key to our general health, and ensuring you are well rested before (and indeed after) your chemical peel will aid recovery. Staying hydrated from the inside out by drinking plenty of water is another great tip that will help your body to work more efficiently and help with healing.

How can I care for my skin after my chemical peel?

Dr. Nano will give you an aftercare kit of skincare miniatures that includes SensiCalm, a creamy cleanser to gently cleanse that post-peel dry skin. Recovery Balm which is perfect for soothing and hydrating, and Sheer Hydration SPF 40, our broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays following your treatment. It might be tempting to pick at flaky skin, but just let it naturally fall away when it is ready, picking might make it sore or lead to scarring. Avoid at home exfoliants like scrubs and/or acids for at least 5 days post-peel to let the new skin settle. Make sure not to skip daily SPF application, as skin will be more sensitive to the sun’s rays.